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Basic Operation (macOS version)

  1. Launch

  2. Click “Settings…” from the “Mail” menu to open it.

  3. From the tabs at the top of the window that opens, click Extensions.

  4. "PwMailExtensions" should be displayed in the list on the left side of the window, so check it.

    This completes the "Enable PwMailExt" process. Thank you.

Basic Operation (iOS version)

  1. Open the encrypted email sent with PwMailExt in
    If the email was sent using PwMailExt, it should have an attachment.

    (If sent using the iOS version of PwMailExt, the attachment file name will be "pwmailext.pwmailext")

    (If sent using the macOS version of PwMailExt, the text will be
    "If you do not know how to read this email,
     please ask the sender of this email.")

  2. Tap the attachment and tap Share from the pop-up menu that appears.

  3. Tap "PwMailExt" from the list of shared sheets that opens.

  4. You should now see a decrypted message.

    This completes the "Read encrypted emails sent with PwMailExt" process. Thank you.
If decryption fails
The recipient must be registered in advance in "encrypt destination conditions" in PwMailExt.
Otherwise, decryption will fail.

If decryption fails even though it has been registered in "encrypt destination conditions",
Please check again whether the email address conditions are correct and whether the password is correct.

If decryption still fails, please check with the sender to see if the email was sent in plain text.
The iOS version of PwMailExt does not support HTML emails. Also, only image files are supported as attachments.